Have a beautiful wall and want to showcase it?

Introducing the "Ghost Sign"

Ghost signs are one of the absolute coolest ways to show off your brand. If you recently have done a rebrand or have old artwork that you love but are struggling with creative ways to implement, this is a wonderful place to start. Ghost signs evoke an enormous sense of nostalgia and are extremely popular. They are well known and sought after in every city. If you're lucky enough to stumble upon one in your building try to preserve it. If you need one, Call us. We love delivering and executing unique concepts for these. They are SO COOL.

Be bold and ambitious with your brand

never go extinct

Old Time Appeal, Modern Methods

With modern techniques its possible to make distressed signage that looks old but lasts an incredible amount of time, even in the elements. Our master painter, Shane B, has over 30 years of scenic experience and knows every single trick there is. Woodblocking? Bam. Spray method? You know he's got it. Scrub and release? Shane is on top of his game. If you've got a look you want to achieve, chance's are we can make it happen.

Impress your customers

never go extinct

Our Work

Ghost signs are a delightful way to dress up your brand and make a space very unique. See a few of our favorites below. Take your brand off the beaten path.

How We Work


Schedule a quick phone call with Andrew!


Andrew will send you a custom proposal.


We'll work together to finalize the design for your project.


Shane and the crew will arrive to make the magic happen.


We base our pricing on the time and materials required to do the job right and do the job safely. Complexity of the design, wall access, surface condition, and colors all influence the cost of a project. Our typical ghost sign project averages between $5,000-$7,500 However, that's not to say we don't do projects less than this, they're just not as common. We strive to work with every budget.

Case Studies

Check out the projects below – they've been some of our most impactful jobs so far. We are creative problem-solvers, and we're not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get to work.


We executed a full face-lift on this storefront. Now one of the Avondale's most beloved signs This case study coming soon..


Axel Row wanted to go big on this project. We were happy to oblige. This case study coming soon.


Craig Westbrook, owner of Birmigham Broker knew he wanted "something cool" on his wall, but wasn't sure what. We designed a concept he loved for him and put his business on the map.


Back Forty wanted to turn heads with their new Huntsville location. We were happy to oblige.

Schedule Your Call

Frequently Asked Questions

A multitude of factors affect our prices. The biggest factors are size, visual complexity, and wall access. Our project minimum is $1200.

We proudly work coast to coast. Around 2/3 of our jobs are "out of town" where we fly in to execute our project.

Please book a call with Andrew using this form.

We have a few brands of paint we love using: Nova Color Paint, Benjamin Moore Aura, and Loop Spray Paint. We've found these to be the best, most reliable paints currently on the market.

Every project is different, but on average most of our projects last about a month from start to finish. We have found that the more decision makers involved in the design process, the longer everything takes. Painting generally takes between 3 - 15 days depending on the size of the project.

We don't do lettering under 1.5" tall. We can paint anything at any size above that. Our largest mural to date is 100'w x 25'tall and is located in Hunstville, AL at Back Forty Huntsvile.

Yes, our signs are extremely weather resistant. We use ASTM I paint to ensure the light-fastness of our artwork. Additionally, a painted sign will ONLY fall off your wall if the wall itself falls down. This is an enormous liability release and maintentance saver. There's nothing more unprofessional than a sign missing a few letters or slightly "ajar". Plus, signs have been known to be ripped off of buildings during wind storms.

Yes, we typically run with a 50% down and a 50% due upon completion production schedule.

Yes, please reach out to Andrew right here to discuss your project.

Any file sharing platform will do. Google drive, pinterest, email, etc. Reach out to Andrew here. or email him at andrew@mammothmurals.com.